BYOA vs Monolithic Applications (rise of the IPaaS)

Integration costs are the often understated and hidden costs of any larger enterprise project. Countless hours of developer and system administrator efforts are devoted to figuring out how to connect disparate systems into a cohesive solution.

Years ago, IT could count on the monolithic application to lessen integration efforts. If the application was solely encompassed by a single mainframe application or a large ERP applications (SAP, Oracle) you would spend the majority of the time configuring the systems and trying to convince departments to adapt their processes to the confines of the new ERP.

Inevitably one of two things would happen, either individual departments would spawn their own shadow IT applications or IT would get requests to customize the core ERP.

Shadow IT applications have found a fertile land to thrive due to cloud computing environments. Shadow IT applications come into an organization when a department can't get the IT department's time/help or a department head has some mandate and $$ to achieve new goals. For a small startup business, you might just find the most popular online application to solve your business problem. You need accounting software? There are dozens of online choices such as Quickbooks or Freshbooks. You need a CRM? Pick among Zoho, Hubspot, Highrise, or Salesforce. Need a dashboard? Pick between Cyfe, Klipfolio or Periscope. Whether you are a department in a large enterprise or a brand new startup, there are plenty of Bring Your Own Application (BYOA) choices available today. No one is stuck with accepting the monolithic application anymore.

While choice is good, silo'd applications provide only a short term high. When data flows freely, all participants benefit and more importantly your company will benefit.

The good news is that new Integration Platform as a Service (IPaaS) companies are thriving to solve the problem of silo'd applications. The IPaaS platforms become the glue linking BYOA choices. Below is a quick review of 3 ready to go options (Zapier, Mulesoft, SnapLogic) and one DIY solution (Amazon Step Functions) for lessening the cost of application integration. You can have the freedom of choosing the best of breed applications and be able to integrate them in a cohesive manner.

Zapier Mulesoft SnapLogic Amazon
Step Functions
Pricing $20/mo - Individual
$250/mo - Premium
No public pricing No public pricing $0.25/1000 state
after first 4000

1M free reqs/mo

$.20/1M requests
after free
Integrations 750 Apps Claims of
hundreds of
Claims of dozens Unlimited based
upon development
DB Connectivity Most major databases
(Oracle not
available yet)
All major databases All major databases All major databases
Logic Linear workflow only Multipath workflow Multipath workflow Multipath workflow
Core Pipeline
Zap editor screen Snap designer Anypoint Studio Graphical console or
XML document
Individual - 15 min delay
Premium - 5 min delay
Immediate Immediate Immediate
Doesn't appear to
be supported
Supported Supported Supported
Scalability Unknown Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal
Monitoring Nothing documented
as available
Available in a
Web Builder
developer platform
Unknown Anypoint Connector
As Lambda
Pros -Large number
of apps
-Native DB connectivity
-Data transformation
is possible
-Guaranteed delivery
of data
-Multipath workflow
-Workflow can be
exposed as
an API
-Native DB Connectivity
-Data transformation
is possible
-API focused
-Multipath workflow
-Complete customization
-Not limited to
vendor platform
Cons -Zap functionality
can be limited by
the author so not
all fields or events
could be available
-Webhook throttling
of 10K requests/5 mins
-Certain Zaps are
premium only
-Larger platform so
most likely more
-Larger platform so
most likely more
-Major focus on
enterprise ERP/CRM
-Complete customization
-Requires development